







  • 2014年5月 圣路易斯华盛顿大学能源环境化学工程专业 获博士学位 (导师:Pratim Biswas院士)

  • 2009年7月 复旦大学环境科学专业 获硕士学位 (导师:杨新教授)

  • 2007年7月 复旦大学环境科学专业 获学士学位


  • 2018年9月 -至今  复旦大学环境科学与工程系  青年研究员

  • 2014年6月-2018年8月  加州大学圣地亚哥分校  博士后/助理项目研究科学家 (合作导师:Kimberly Prather院士)


  • 大气气溶胶对于全球气候以及人类健康有着极其重要的影响。本课题组主要利用实验室模拟方法,对海盐气溶胶,沙尘气溶胶以及其它类型气溶胶的形成机理进行了深入研究。已经取得的主要创新成果有:(一)揭示海洋气溶胶颗粒的形成机理和其对气候的影响;(二)提出了燃煤气溶胶中有机质的形成机理和可以用于大气气溶胶源解析的气溶胶质谱特征;(三)发现了大气硝酸盐和含氮有机气溶胶的产生途径。本人已经在本领域的主流杂志发表第一、通讯作者文章17篇,其中包括了发表于美国科学院院刊(PNAS)、ACS Cent. Sci. (IF=13)、Proc. Comb. Inst.、Energy & Fuels、Fuel、Environ. Sci. Technol.和Atmos. Chem. Phys.等国际期刊的多篇文章。

  • 课题组现在的主要研究方向为飞沫和沙尘气溶胶的形成过程和其在水-大气/土壤-大气污染物迁移途径中的作用。水或土壤中的污染物可以通过飞沫或沙尘气溶胶的形成而迁移到大气,影响人体健康。但这个过程还很不清楚,国内国际的研究很少。本课题组将致力于填补这一空白。另外,本课题组也从事开发气溶胶测量仪器的工作,研制新型全自动气溶胶/VOCs有机组分分析仪,以及生物气溶胶采样器。


  • 担任了Nature Communications,Environmental Science & Technology, Geophysical Research Letters, Atmospheric Environment,Journal of Cleaner Production,Journal of Aerosol Science, Aerosol Science & Technology等环境、地学以及气溶胶科学期刊的审稿人


  • 国家引进人才青年计划

  • Dave Benferado Scholarship for Air Pollution Control and Waste Minimization Research, the Air & Waste Management Association (AWMA), Awarded at the AWMA Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas

  • 上海市研究生优秀毕业论文, 上海市教委

  • McDonnell Scholar, Washington University in St. Louis

  • Peabody Energy Corporate Fellow, Washington University in St. Louis


  • 本科生课程:大气化学

  • 研究生课程:MATLAB在环境模拟中的应用



  • 2019-2022:复旦大学引进人才项目

  • 2019-2022:上海市面上项目-有机污染物在海盐气溶胶中的富集及在水-气界面的传输

  • 2020-2023:国家自然基金委青年基金-单颗粒气溶胶真实密度和形状系数的在线检测

  • 2021-2022:上海市公卫体系建设三年行动计划子课题

  • 2021-2024:国家自然基金委面上基金-海盐气溶胶对海水中有机污染物的富集和传输

  • 2021-2023:国家引进人才青年计划项目



20. Jiang, X.†; Rotily, L.; Villermaux, E.†; Wang, X.†*, Submicron Drops from Flapping Bursting Bubbles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2022 In press.

19. Wang, S.; Zhou, K.; Lu, X.; Chen, H.; Yang, F.; Li, Q.; Chen, J.; Prather, Kimberly A.; Yang, X.*; Wang, X.*, Online shape and density measurement of single aerosol particles. Journal of Aerosol Science 2022 159 105880.

18. Wang, S.; Zhou, K.; Lu, X.; Chen, H.; Yang, F.; Li, Q.; Yang, X. *; Wang, X. *, Measurement of Density and Shape for Single Black Carbon Aerosols in a Heavily Polluted Urban Area. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2021 21(12) 210162.

17. Mayer K. J.†; Wang, X. †; Santander, M. V.; Mitts B. A.; Sauer J.S.; Sultana, C. M.; Cappa, C. D.; Prather, K. A., Secondary Marine Aerosol Plays a Dominant Role over Primary Sea Spray Aerosol in Cloud Formation. ACS Central Science 2020 6, 2259–2266. ()

16. Zhu, S.; Li, L.; Wang, S.; Li, M.; Liu, Y.; Chen, H.; Wang, L.; Chen, J.; Zhou, Z.; Yang, X.*; Wang, X.*, Development of an Automatic Linear Calibration Method for High Resolution Single Particle Mass Spectrometry: Improved Chemical Species Identification for Atmospheric Aerosols. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2020 13, 4111–4121.

15. Zhou, K.; Wang, S.; Lu, X.; Chen, H.; Chen, J.; Wang, L.; Yang, X.*; Wang, X.*, Production flux and chemical characteristics of spray aerosol generated from raindrop impact on seawater and soil. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2020 125, e2019JD032052.

14. Wang, X.; Ye, X.; Chen, J.; Wang, X.*; Yang, X.*; Fu, T.-M.; Zhu, L.; Liu, C, Direct links between hygroscopicity and mixing state of ambient aerosols: Estimating particle hygroscopicity from their single particle mass spectra. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 2020 20, 6273–6290.

13. Zhang, C.; Zou, X.; Chang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, X.*; Yang, X.*, Source assessment of atmospheric fine particulate matter in a Chinese megacity: Insights from long-term, high-time resolution chemical composition measurements from Shanghai flagship monitoring supersite. Chemosphere 2020 251 126598

12. Li, K.; Ye, X.; Pang, H.; Lu, X.; Chen, H.; Wang, X.*; Yang, X.*; Chen, J.; Chen, Y., Temporal variations in the hygroscopicity and mixing state of black carbon aerosols in a polluted megacity area. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 2018 18 (20) 15201-15218

11. Wang, X.; Wang, H.; Jing, H.; Wang, W. N; Cui, W.; Williams, B. J.; Biswas, P., Formation of Nitrogen-Containing Organic Aerosol during Combustion of High Sulfur Content Coal. Energy & Fuels. 2017 31, 14161–14168.

10. Wang, X.†; Grant, D. B.†; Moore, K. A.; Ryder, O. S.; Stokes, M. D.; Beall, C. M.; Collins, D. B.; Santander, M. V.; Burrows, S. M.; Sultana, C. M.; Prather, K. A., The role of jet and film drops in controlling the mixing state of submicron sea spray aerosol particles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2017 114, 6978–6983. This paper has been highlighted by Sciencedaily.com and Phys.org.

9. Wang, X.; Li, S.; Wang, W. N.; Biswas, P., Mercury oxidation during coal combustion by injection of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), International Journal of Coal Geology 2017 170, 54-59.

8. Wang, X.; He, J.; Dhungel, B.; Wang, W. N.; Kumfer, B. M.; Axelbaum, R. L.; Biswas, P., Characterization of Organic and Black Carbon Aerosol Formation during Coal Combustion: An Experimental Study in a 1MW Pilot Scale Coal Combustor. Fuel 2016 180, 653-658.

7. Wang, X. †; Sultana, C. M. †; Trueblood, J.; Hill, T. C. J.; Malfatti, F.; Lee, C.; Laskina, O.; Moore, K. A.; Beall, C. M.; McCluskey, C. S.; Cornwell, G. C.; Zhou, Y.; Cox, J. L.; Pendergraft, M. A.; Santander, M. V.; Bertram, T. H.; Cappa, C. D.; Azam, F.; DeMott, P. J.; Grassian, V. H.; Prather, K. A., Microbial Control of Sea Spray Aerosol Composition: A Tale of Two Blooms. ACS Central Science 2015 1, 124–131. This paper has been featured on the front cover of ACS Central Science and highligted by Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN).

6. Wang, X.; Williams, B. J.; Biswas, P., Characteristics of Particulate Matter Emissions from Toy Cars with Electric Motors Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2015 65, 492-499.

5. Wang, X.; Cotter, E.; Iyer, K. N.; Fang, J.; Williams, B. J.; Biswas, P., Relationship between Pyrolysis Products and Organic Aerosols Formed during Coal Combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2015 35, 2347-2354.

4. Wang, X.; Daukoru, S. M.; Torkamani, S.; Wang, W. N.; Biswas, P., Role of Exhaust Gas Recycle on Submicrometer Particle Formation during Oxy-coal Combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2013, 34, 3479-3487.

3. Wang, X.; Williams, B. J.; Wang, X.; Tang, Y.; Huang, Y.; Kong, L.; Yang, X.; Biswas, P., Characterization of Organic Aerosol Produced during Pulverized Coal Combustion in a Drop Tube Furnace. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2013, 13, 10919-10932.

2. Wang, X.; Gao, S.; Yang, X.; Chen, H.; Chen, J.; Zhuang, G.; Surratt, J. D.; Chan, M. N.; Seinfeld, J. H., Evidence for High Molecular Weight Nitrogen-Containing Organic Salts in Urban Aerosols. Environmental Science & Technology 2010, 44, 4441-4446.

1. Wang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, H.; Yang, X.; Chen, J.; Geng, F., Particulate Nitrate Formation in a Highly Polluted Urban Area: A Case Study by Single-Particle Mass Spectrometry in Shanghai. Environmental Science & Technology 2009, 43, 3061-3066.